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Kategrija: kanca | mn |
Kpe: (1 egszalakos, s egy szabadon vlasztott)
Kanca kategria:
1.hely: Living Soul of Shade, Classic Nirvana, RR Victory Decision, Blue Cat, Minty the Dream, Storm of Arizona, Disney Princess
2.hely: Bahamian Ranger, Raspadeira, White Tiger y Hermoso, Foudre Rouge, Hajni
3.hely: Luna's Gem, Odd Starlight, Defiant Queen, Wonder al Shaqab, Ariel y Hermoso
Mn kategria:
1.hely: Xerath W de Charmain, Black Astaroth, RR My Weird Dream, Con-Con, Paranormal Entity, Victory of Fire Serpent, Aladdin y Hermoso, RR Smokey Star, RR Reptos Revolution, Fly K Hakarim
2.hely: Something Express, Classic Ragnark Ibn Gamil, Samba Thyme V, The Lazarus Effect, RR Spooks Hindoo Warlord, Sweet Psycho, Damsel de'Vent, Rhocky la Rhenta
3.hely: RR Delighted Dun It, Mighty Chaos, Immortal Toxic Poison, Classic Ibn Gamil, Living the Go, Red Palladin, Rebel Pray, RR Raw Dun Gun, Magical Balthazar
1.hely: 1st Placed Foal in I. NDM Foal Appearance, 100.000lp
2.hely: 2nd Placed Foal in I. NDM Foal Appearance, 80.000 lp
3.hely: 3rd Placed Foal in I. NDM Foal Appearance, 60.000 lp